The Shins - "Young Pilgrim"
The Decemberists - "I Dreamt I Was an Architect"
e.joseph - "Antenna"
Sloan - "Junior Panthers"
The Bigger Lovers - "You
(You You)"
De Novo Dahl - "Waiting For
My Friends"
Death Cab for Cutie - "I Was a Kaleidoscope"
Oranger - "Springtime"
Soft Boys - "Underwater Moonlight"
13 Engines - "Beneath My Hand"
The Frauds - "Amy"
Sunday's Best - "The Hardest Part"
Franz Fernidand - "Take Me Out"
The Numbers - "Justice"
The Von Bondies - "The Fever"
Idlewild - "Annihilate Now!"
The Coral - "Don't Think Your the First"
Matthew Sweet - "Beware My Lover"
Grant Lee Phillips - "Spring Released"
Super Furry Animals - "She's Got Spies"
The Capitol Years - "Japanese Stone"
Ben Kweller - "Commerce, TX"
The Fire Threat, Grandaddy, and
Saves the Day Sets
(contact info djwren at hi-fipop dot com)
Let' Go